Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces (SSHW)
Tikanga haumaru, ā-kaimahi, ā-wāhi hoki
Our Vision: A health sector which uses evidence to resource equitable, quality healthcare.
We will provide effective kaitiaki of the CCDM approach for safely staffing the nursing, midwifery, and allied health services.

Why we need Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces
Nā te aha e hiahia ai ngā tikanga haumaru?
• Acuity of the population receiving health services is continuing to increase
• Health staff, in parts of the sector, continue to report dissatisfaction with workplace culture and workloads
• Patients continue to suffer avoidable harm from adverse events
• Average age of the workforce is increasing
• Organisations need to operate within the available funding
• To create and sustain quality and safety